The November shooting sports campout will be held on the 8th through 10th of November 2013! The plan is to head a little north of Red Feather Lakes Village and find a nice big spot we can spread out and camp, and setup a proper rifle and shotgun range.
Camping signup sheets are online now on the google docs site, make sure you login with your ID and password to pull down the signup sheet, they are due in October 29th.
Now that Venture Crew 184 is back up and running, we will bring a couple high power rifles for the Venture Scouts to shoot! This is not included in the campout budget, so the leaders are going to control the ammo use since it is being donated to the first combined troop/crew shooting campout in over FIVE years!
If you have any questions please ask your NRA instructors at the troop meetings coming up. Thanks!